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Marine Biology PhD
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Plankton dynamics in a riverine/estuarine continuum. Supervisor: Prof William Froneman. Co-supervisor: Dr Nicole Richoux.
Dalu T, Froneman PW and Richoux NB. 2014. An assessment, using multivariate analysis and stable isotopes, of the effects of substrate type on phytobenthos communities. Inland Waters. DOI: In press.
Bergamino L, Dalu T and Richoux NB. 2014. Spatial and temporal patterns in sediment organic matter composition within an estuarine environment: stable isotope and fatty acid signatures. Hydrobiologia. 732:133–145.
Bergamino L, Dalu T, Whitfield AK, Carassou L and Richoux NB. 2014. Stable isotope evidence of food web connectivity by a top predator (Argyrosomus japonicus: Sciaenidae: Teleostei) in the Kowie Estuary, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Sciences. 36(2):207–213.
Dalu T, Froneman PW, Chari LD and Richoux NB. 2014. Colonisation and community structure of benthic diatoms on artificial substrates following a major flood event: A case of the Kowie River (Eastern Cape, South Africa). Water SA. 40(3):471–480.
Dalu T, Froneman PW and Richoux NB. 2014. Phytoplankton community diversity along a river-estuary continuum. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 69(2):107–116.
Dalu T, Thackeray Z, Leuci R, Clegg B, Chari LD and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. First results on bathymetry, stratification and physicochemical limnology of a small tropical African reservoir (Malilangwe, Zimbabwe). Water SA. 39(1): 119–130.
Dalu T, Clegg B and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. Application of the Lake Habitat Survey method on the tropical Malilangwe reservoir, south-east Lowveld, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 38(1): 21–35.
Dalu T, Clegg B and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. A study of the ichthyofuana of a small tropical reservoir, south-eastern lowveld, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences. 38(Suppl. 1): 105–113.
Dalu T, Tambara EM, Clegg B, Chari LD and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. Modeling sedimentation rates of Malilangwe Reservoir in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe. Applied Water Science. 3(1): 133–144.
Dalu T, Moyo S, Clegg BW and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. Stratification, diel and seasonal energy transfers of Malilangwe Reservoir in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe. Lakes and Reservoir: Research and Management. 18(3): 285–296.
Dalu T, Clegg B and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. Length-weight relationships and condition factors of six fish species caught using gillnets in a tropical African reservoir, Zimbabwe. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 68(1): 75–79.
Dalu T, Clegg B and Nhiwatiwa T. 2013. Temporal variation of the plankton communities in a small tropical reservoir (Malilangwe, Zimbabwe). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 68(2): 85–96.
Tambara E, Dalu T, Murwira A, Kativu S and Chari L. 2013. Dynamics of fallow secondary succession pathways and prospects of ecosystem recovery in semi-arid agricultural landscapes. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 68(2): 133–140.
Last Modified: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 10:43:30 SAST