Sebbi Kankondi

PhD Candidate (Marine Biology)

BSc Hons (Marine Biology) 2012
MSc (Marine Biology) 2016

Office: S11, Second Floor, Life Science Building


Supervisor: Christopher McQuaid

Thesis Title

Influence of microhabitat and/or habitat conditions on hypo-metabolism and developmental plasticity in rocky intertidal gastropods


Sebbi came to Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 to get degrees in Marine Biology. He is currently working on the rocky intertidal limpets, Siphonaria capensis, S. serrata and Scutellastra granularis, and the periwinkle Oxystele variegata. All of which occur in a variety of intertidal microhabitats, at more than one shore height on both the west and east coast of South Africa. His study examines the possibility that interindividual variation in habitat conditions influences species capacity for hypometabolism, where it does occur, and developmental/irreversible plasticity.

Research Interests:

Intertidal ecology

Climate change



Recent Publications

Hodgson AN, Claassens L, Kankondi S (2018) Shell morphometrics and growth rate of the invasive bivalve mollusc Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Knysna estuarine embayment, South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(4): 367 374, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1539647

Kankondi SL, McQuaid CD, Tagliarolo M (2018) Influence of respiratory mode on the thermal tolerance of intertidal limpets. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203555.



Last Modified: Tue, 05 Mar 2019 16:03:38 SAST