
Health and Safety Information and Training

The Safety, Health & Environmental Officer provides assistance to Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 departments and divisions in arranging health and safety training and materials. Follow the links:

  1. In-house Health & Safety Courses & Training?
  2. Health & Safety Awareness Sessions
  3. Links
  4. Short Courses in Health and Safety 
  5. Academic Studies in Health and Safety

1. In-house Health & Safety Courses & Training - for RU employees only:

The short courses below are arranged by the Safety Health and Environmental Office for RU staff only, not for the general public.*

*Members of the public: please contact NOSA, Affsaff, Intra-SafeSafetechSA Labour Guide, etc, or UCT and CPUT, for an accredited safety course; UNISA or VUT for a safety diploma/degree; NWU for post-grad studies in health and safety


Each course is repeated a few times during the year, to accommodate different needs. In summary:

a. Health & Safety Rep Training (duration: 2 mornings) - 3 options:

      • 23-24 April or
      • 12-15 May or
      • 16-17 July

b. Basic Ladder Safety (duration: 2 hours) - 2 options: 

      • 19 March or
      • 23 September

c. Basic Fire Marshal Training (duration: 1 morning) - 3 options: 

      • 5 March or
      • 8 April or
      • 5 August

d. First Aid Course (duration: 3/4/5 days) - 3 options: week beginning

      • 2 March or
      • 6 April or
      • 6 July

  (ii) INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO APPLY  (details below)

2020 COURSE DATES (subject to change) - for RU Employees Only 

? BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL ? INFO safety(at)ru.ac.za
2 Monday onwards 08:30-16:30 First Aid Course (DURATION: 3 or 4 or 5 days)  
5 Thursday 08:30-13:00 Basic Fire Marshal Training (1 morning)  
 19  Thursday 08:30-10:30 Basic Ladder Safety Training (2 hrs)  
6 Monday onwards 08:30-16:30 First Aid Course (DURATION: 3 or 4 or 5 days)  
8 Wednesday 08:30-13:00 Basic Fire Marshal Training (1 morning)  
 23 + 24 Thu + Fri 08:30-13:00 Health & Safety Representative Training (2 mornings)  
 12 + 15 Tue + Frid 08:30-13:00 Health & Safety Representative Training (2 mornings)  
 6 Monday onwards  08:30-16:30 First Aid Course (DURATION: 3 or 4 or 5 days)  
16 + 17 Thu + Fri 08:30-13:00  Health & Safety Representative Training (2 mornings)  
 5 Wednesday 08:30-13:00 Basic Fire Marshal Training (1 morning)  
 23 Wednesday 08:30-10:30 Basic Ladder Safety Training (2 hrs)  

Note: any employee who receives training through his/her workplace is required to provide his/her services in this regard in the workplace.


(Staff may attend ONLY with their line manager's approval AND confirmation from SHE Officer)

*Appointment Forms (Designations) MUST be completed where requested, and signed by your 16_2 Appointee - these become valid once the course has been completed. Once everything on the Appointment / Designation Forms form is signed, please: 

      1. keep the original in your departmental safety file,  
      2. send a copy (scanned by email / or photocopy) to SHE Officer
      3. send a copy (scanned by email / or photocopy) to your HR generalist - for your staff file in Human Resources Division.

2. Health & Safety Awareness Sessions - for RU employees:

  • Talks and Presentations on Topic* of Choice.
  • For Manager/HOD & staff; at staff meetings; at other RU forum.
  • From 10 min to 1 hour.
  • Time & date by arrangement with department/division/section.
  • To arrange, contact SHE Officer on safety(at)ru.ac.za

*Favourite topic options include, but are not limited to:

      1. Intro to health and safety 
      2. Fire safety and preparedness
      3. Laboratory safety (general intro)
      4. Dealing with Hazmat / hazardous waste
      5. Health and safety and smoking in the workplace
      6. OHS Act and the responsibilities of management 

3. Links

  • Health and Safety Guide???[covering: i. Introduction, ii. Health & Safety Representatives, iii. Committees, iv. Risks & Hazards,  v. & Incidents & Accidents, vi. First Aid, vii. Fire Safety, viii. Promoting Health & Safety, and ix. Info & Resources]

  • Safety File: for assistance in setting up a Health & Safety file for your work area.

  • Safety Resources: A selection of online health and safety resources and links.

  • Videos DVDs: A selection of training videos / DVDs is available for viewing ?

4. Short Courses in Health and Safety 

*The RU SHE Office does NOT have the capacity to run short courses for the general publicMembers of the public should contact:

5. Academic Studies in Health and Safety 

  • For academic studies at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网, please direct all enquiries to the Registrar.


Go to the Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 Safety front page. Questions/Suggestions? Contact safety(at)ru.ac.za

Searching for additional info? Use the Search function at the top of the page.

Last Modified: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 11:58:44 SAST