PSYSSA dry run and ‘Work in progress’ CSSR colloquium, 2014.

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PSYSSA dry run and ‘Work in progress’ CSSR colloquium, 2014.


“I am feeling overwhelmed with my analysis”, “Am l a researcher or an activist?”, “Why as a woman am I studying men?”, “The stories from my data collection are so overwhelming”. These are some of the situations that the Critical Studies in Sexuality and Reproduction (CSSR) colloquium, held in the Psychology Department on the 10th and 11th September 2014, addressed. There were a total of 16 participants and 14 presentations. The research topics included sexual violence, abortion decision-making, nursing practice and teenage pregnancy. The presenters included Masters’ students in Psychology, Journalism and Pharmacy, PhD candidates in Psychology, and post-doctoral fellows. Professor Macleod opened the colloquium citing the importance of having such interrogative/ critical reflective spaces for research.


The first section of the colloquium included four papers that are going to be presented at the up-coming Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) conference in Durban later this month. There was robust discussion about the content of the presentations as well the structure of the papers. The presenters found the discussions helpful in terms of timing, as well covering and explaining relevant aspects of their research. The proceeding sections focused on on-going work from Masters’ and PhD students and a post-doctoral fellow. Participants received constructive feedback on different sections of their on-going research. The dinner on the 10th was another highlight as participants were able to discuss their research in a less formal way and it provided an opportunity to socialise outside of the colloquium. Professor Macleod closed the colloquium by focusing on discussions around what had worked and suggestions for the future. All participants agreed on how beneficial the colloquium was to them. Participants were impressed by the supportive nature of the colloquium, the CSSR programme and the presence of academic staff from psychology who offered invaluable contributions.


By Malvern Tatenda Chiweshe