Contact Details:
Phone: +27 (46) 603 8555
Fax: +27 (46) 603 8757
Location: Physics Building, Room 39
Phy 301: Module on Signals and Systems
Phy 301: Electronics Practicals
Phy 201: Modules on AC Theory
Phy 1E2: Electronics Literacy
Honours: Computer Interfacing I and II, Electronic Design
3rd year course coordinator
Phy 1E2 course coordinator
Research Interests:
Past Design Projects:
RU Meal Delivery System:
The original system designed by Prof J Jonas was revamped to allow students to authenticate for meals in dining halls using their RFID student cards.
LAN-Based Control System:
A distributed control system was developed to monitor and control campus power usage.
Temperature-Differential Instrumentation:
This was a project undertaken for the Botany department, whereby they wanted to measure sap flow in trees by using differential temperature measurements.
Access Control System:
This system was developed for the department to enable controlled access to the department, without issuing keys to students. This was re-engineered to allow the use of RFID cards after the use of iButtons was stopped at Rhodes.
Constant Environment Chamber Control:
The control electronics for an old 'Conviron' Environment chamber were redesigned and implemented to allow the Botany department to re-use the old chamber. (In conjunction with A Youthed)
Past Student Research Topics:
Various projects in Electronics including design and fabrication of
Last Modified: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:39:20 SAST