Rhodes>NbS4AfrRes>Our Team>INRAe_Olivier Barreteau

Olivier Barreteau

INRAE, France

I have about 25 years experience of interdisciplinary research at the interface between hydrology, modelling, and management sciences in projects dealing with local water governance, using social simulation with Agent based modelling and role playing games. My recent works focus on joint adaptive management of land and water in the frame of global changes with issues of interdependencies between local adaptation plans. I am committed to interdisciplinary research, keeping a strong link between policy makers, water users and research on the long term. In that regard I develop several formats of co-research in France and abroad.

Current affilitation:
INRAE, deputy director of UNESCO ICIReWaRD water Centre in Montpellier, France

FR-ZABR: Représentation intégrée des Adaptations individuelles et des Dynamiques HYdrologiques sur le bassin du Buëch (RADHY Buëch) (2019-2022)

FR-Ecophyto : Solutions collectives Partagées pour limiter l’?mpact des Résidus phytopharmaceutiques sur les milieux aquatiques à l’échelle du Territoire (2020-2024)

Belmont Forum Pathways to sustainability: SDG-Pathfinding (2021-2023)

SA-WRC: A stakeholder driven process to develop a more equitable and sustainable water resource management plan.(2021-2023)

FR- PEPR OneWater: Governing water as a commons (2022-2032)

Publications and presentations:
Anderies, J.M., Barreteau, O. & Brady, U. (2019) Refining the Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems Framework for comparative analysis of coastal system adaptation to global change. Regional Environmental Change. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01529-0

Barreteau, O., Abrami, G., Bonté, B., Bousquet, F., & Mathevet, R. (2021). Serious games. In The Routledge handbook of research methods for social-ecological systems, eds. Biggs R. et al. (pp. 176-188). Routledge.

Barreteau, O., J.M. Anderies, C. Guerbois, T. Quinn, C. Therville, R. Mathevet and F. Bousquet 2020. Transfers of vulnerability through adaptation plan implementation: an analysis based on networks of feedback control loops. Ecology and Society 25 (2): 3 https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11402-250203

Daniell, K. A. and O. Barreteau 2014. Water governance across competing scales: Coupling land and water management. Journal of Hydrology 519(C):2367-2380

Gwapedza, D., Barreteau, O., Mantel, S., Paxton, B., Bonte, B., Tholanah, R., ... & Tanner, J. (2024). Engaging stakeholders to address a complex water resource management issue in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 131522.

Hassenforder, E., Pittock, J., Barreteau, O., Daniell, K. A., & Ferrand, N. (2016). The MEPPP framework: a framework for monitoring and evaluating participatory planning processes. Environmental management, 57, 79-96.

Jakeman, A.J., O. Barreteau, R. J Hunt, J.-D. Rinaudo, A. Ross (2016) :  Integrated Groundwater Management—Concepts, Approaches and Challenges Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-23576-9.

Leenhardt D., Voltz M., Barreteau O. (coord.), 2020. L’eau en milieu agricole. Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale. Versailles, Éditions Quæ, 288 p.

Massuel, S., J. Riaux, F. Molle, M. Kuper, A. Ogilvie, A.-L. Collard, C. Leduc and O. Barreteau 2018. Inspiring a Broader Socio-Hydrological Negotiation Approach With Interdisciplinary Field-Based Experience. Water Resources Research 54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2017WR021691.

Richard, B., Bonte, B., Barreteau, O., & Braud, I. (2022). A situated agent-based model to reveal irrigators’ options behind their actions under institutional arrangements in Southern France. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 3, 17893. https://doi.org/10.18174/sesmo.17893

Last Modified: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:42:58 SAST