Honours Degree
Full-year (120 credits at NQF level 8)
Entrance requirements: A completed degree with one music major.
Course description: See BMus 4
Full-year (120 credits at NQF level 8)
Entrance requirements: A completed degree with one music major.
Course description: See BMus 4
Last Modified: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 19:56:59 SAST
Masters Degree (MMUS)
180 credits at NQF level 9
Entrance requirements: BMus or a completed BA or BSc degree.
Course description: A Master’s Degree may be awarded by submission of a thesis,
a portfolio of compositions*, two public recitals*(60%) and mini-thesis (40%), two public recitals (60%) and short composition portfolio (40%).
*Any culture or style may be included.
a) Thesis
The research proposal and title of the thesis must be approved by the Humanities Higher Degrees Committee within four months of registration for the degree.
b) Composition
The nature and scope of the compositions must receive the prior approval of Senate on the recommendation of the Head of Department, before submission. Candidates must also submit an explanatory commentary on important structural, textural and stylistic aspects of the work submitted, including its contextualisation within contemporary South Africa. A candidate who submits a set of compositions shall be required to submit 3 copies of the compositions together with suitable recordings.
c) Performance and Mini-Thesis and/or Short Composition Portfolio
The nature and scope of public recitals (60%) and mini-thesis (40%) and/or Short Composition Portfolio (40%) must receive prior approval of Senate on the recommendation of the Head of Department, and a departmental subcommittee. The research proposal and title of the mini-thesis must also be approved by the Departmental Postgraduate Research Committee within four months of registration for the degree.
Options available for the recitals are as follows:
(a) performance in two separate public solo recitals or
(b) one public solo recital and one full chamber recital or
(c) one public solo recital, one short chamber recital and one concerto, where the genres are applicable to the culture or style of the chosen instrument.
*Any culture or style may be included.
Last Modified: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 19:48:06 SAST
Doctoral Degree (PHD)
360 credits at NQF level 10
Entrance requirements: A completed Masters degree in Music or equivalent.
Course description: a PhD may be awarded by the submission of:
1) a thesis (90 000 words)
2) a set of compositions consisting of at least three substantial original compositions (not less than 70 minutes in duration. The candidate must also submit an explanatory statement (not less than 25 000 words) referring to important aspects of the scores, including in particular a description of the form or forms employed and of any contrapuntal, harmonic and orchestration devices used. This document should detail the portfolio’s theme or contextualising thread. Recordings of compositions are required.
3) three performances (60 – 70 min duration) and a mini- thesis (50 000 words) (examined as an integrated project).
Last Modified: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 18:54:43 SAST
Degree of Doctor of Music (DMUS)
360 credits at NQF level 10
Entrance requirements: A completed Masters degree in Music or equivalent.
Course description: A candidate for the degree of DMus is required to submit for the approval of Senate a published work or a set of compositions.
The published work must be of historical or theoretical or analytical research in music, and must open new aspects of the subject discussed.
A set of compositions must consist of three original compositions, the character and form of which must receive the prior approval of the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of the Department and the Departmental Postgraduate Research Committee.
Last Modified: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 19:51:54 SAST