Linguistics 3
Linguistics 3 completes our undergraduate offerings in linguistics, with an emphasis on producing graduates who are well-rounded linguists.
Linguistics 3 features two modules taught concurrently, normally totalling 5 class meetings per week.
For more information about our curriculum, please see the Student Handbook 2025.
The modules to be taught are listed below:
Phonetics and Phonology
Lecturer: Dr. William Bennett
This module introduces you to higher-level questions of linguistic theory and typology than those covered in previous years. This includes the following topics:
- basic concepts of phonological theory and reasoning from phonological data
- phonetics vs. phonology
- fundamentals of metrical phonology
- the typology of stress patterns and metrical foot structures
- phonological typology as an area of study
- Optimality Theory
Lecturer: Ms. Tracy Probert
This module introduces you to the fast-developing field of the linguistics of literacy, with a specific focus on written language processing. This module covers some of the following topics:
- Language in Education in South Africa
- Metalinguistic skills involved in reading
- Factors affecting visual word recognition
- Models of word recognition
- Dyslexia
Systemic Functional Linguistics
Lecturer: Dr. Ian Siebörger
- The Mood System (Declarative, Interrogative and Imperative)
- Affect (language used to express emotion)
- 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网ment (language used to evaluate people's behaviour)
- Appreciation (language used to evaluate objects)
- Graduation (language used to tone meanings up and down)
Lecturer: Kelly Kilian
This module introduces you to the phenomenon of codeswitching within the South African context and in relation to urbanisation. Another aspect of this module involves the investigation of pidgins and creoles, specifically the circumstances under which they arise and develop. This module covers some of the following topics:
- diglossia
- codeswitching
- pidgins and creoles
- The politics of multilingual societies
Language Structures
Lecturer: Prof. Mark de Vos
This module builds on the Language Structures module in first year, and explores the following topics:
- constituent structure
- Relationships between constituents: Binding; C-command; Merge; Move; Agree.
- clause structure and argument structure
- Phrase structure and X-bar Theory
- Cross-linguistic similarities and differences
- A derivational (Minimalist) approach to syntactic structure
Discourse Analysis
Lecturer: TBA
African Linguistics
Lecturer: Ron Simango
This module offers an opportunity to students to explore more closely the complexity of the Bantu verbal morphology and its interaction with syntax. The goal of this module is to deepen students’ theoretical knowledge of complex predication through an examination of common syntactic processes as reflected in some Southern African Bantu languages. Topics include:
- Interlinear glossing
- Argument Structure
- Grammatical Functions
- Argument Structure-changing morphology
- Grammatical Function-changing processes
- Object marking and linguistic variation in Bantu
Introduction to Sign Language Linguistics
Lecturer: Ian Siebörger
This module introduces students to the rich and interesting linguistics of sign languages, exploring the similarities and differences between them and spoken languages. The module provides:
- a description of sign language phonology, morphology, syntax and pragmatics
- a brief explanation of South African Sign Language (SASL)’s contested role in education for the Deaf in South Africa
- a short introductory practical course in SASL
For more information about Linguistics 3, please contact Dr William Bennett.
Last Modified: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 09:41:41 SAST