Rhodes>JMS>About>Vision Statement

Vision Statement


The School of Journalism and Media Studies strives to contribute to the commitment expressed in the South African Constitution to "heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights, [and to] lay the foundations for a democratic and open society".

Our vision is informed by the following understanding of the media:

The media constitutes one of the powerful institutions that mediate our relation to, and experience of, the world.

The nature of such mediation is conditioned by the media’s particular political, economic, technological and historical contexts.

Consequently, these mediations contribute to the production and reproduction of the dominant relations of inequality that structure social life, and are implicated in questions  of gender, class, culture, race, geography, sexuality, etc.

The School aims to produce self-reflexive, critical, analytical graduates and media workers, whose practice is probing, imaginative, civic minded and outspoken. Such graduates are equipped to act as thoughtful, creative and skilled journalists and media practitioners, who are able to make meaningful and technically proficient media productions.

The School seeks to make valuable intellectual contributions to the broader African media environment, to research, and to facilitate the integrated and ongoing education of media practitioners.





Last Modified: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:24:49 SAST