Professor Caroline Khene


PGDHE, MCom, PhD(Rhodes)

Visitong Professor

Research Interests

  •  ICT for Development (ICTD)
  •  Project Evaluation
  •  Requirements Elicitation
  •  Project Management
  •  Water Security and Sustainability in Rural Areas
  •  Transdisciplinarity
  •  Living Labs
  •  Research Supervision and Teaching in Developing Countries



Refereed Journals: 

  1. PADE KHENE, C. (2014). Supporting a Humanizing Pedagogy in the Supervision Relationship and Process: A Reflection in a Developing Country. Journal of Doctoral Studies. Vol 9: 73-83
  2. OSAH, J., PADE-KHENE, C. and FOSTER, G. (2014). Critical Themes of Process Assessment in Rural ICT4D Projects: An Analysis of Assessment Approaches. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Vol. 60.
  3. PADE-KHENE, C., R. LUTON, T. JORDAAN, S. HILDBRAND, C. GERWEL PROCHES, A., SITSHALUZA, J. DOMINY, W. NTSHINGA AND N. MOLOTO. (2013). Complexity of Stakeholder Interaction in Applied Research. Ecology and Society .18 (2): 13
  4. PADE-KHENE, C. AND SEWRY, D. (2012). The Rural ICT Comprehensive Evaluation Framework: Implementing the First Domain, the Baseline Study Process. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 51. 
  5. MTHOKO, H. AND PADE-KHENE, C. (2012). Towards a theoretical framework on ethical practice in ICT4D programmes. Information Development Journal. DOI: 10.1177/0266666912449456 
  6. PADE-KHENE, C. (2012). A Needs Assessment to Identify the Reality of Two Rural School Cases in South Africa: Potential for ICT4D or Not? International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT). 8, 2. 
  7. PADE-KHENE, C. AND SEWRY, D. (2011). The Rural ICT Comprehensive Evaluation Framework: Implementing the First Domain, the Baseline Study Process. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. Vol. 51.
  8. PADE-KHENE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2011). Sustainable Rural ICT Project Management Practice for Developing Countries: Investigating the Dwesa and RUMEP Projects. Special issue on ‘Information Technology Success Factors and Models in Developing and Emerging Economies’. Journal of Information Technology for Development. 17, 3: 187-212.
  9. PADE-KHENE, C., PALMER, R. AND KAVHAI, M. (2010). A Baseline Study of the Dwesa Rural Community for the Siyakhula Information and Communication Technology for Development Project: Understanding the Reality on the Ground. Information Development. 26, 4.
  10. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2008). An Elaboration of Critical Success Factors for Rural ICT Project Sustainability in Developing Countries - Exploring the Dwesa Case. The Journal of Information Technology Case and Application (JITCAR), 10, 4.
  11. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND LANNON, J. (2005). The Use of Information Communication Technologies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries: An Investigation of Gender Specific Agricultural Development. The Southern African Journal of Information and Communication. 6: 4-21

Peer-Reviewed Conferences:

  1. PADE KHENE, C. (2014). Supporting a Humanizing Pedagogy in the Supervision Relationship and Process: A Reflection in a Developing Country.  E-Skills Conference – Informing Science Institute. Cape Town, South Africa, November 2014.
  2. BADUZA, G. and PADE-KHENE, C. (2013). Towards a Needs-ICTD Strategy Alignment Framework. 7th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, November 2013.
  3. PADE-KHENE, C. (2012). Assessing ICT4D Project Design: A Programme Theory Assessment of the Siyakhula Living Lab. 6th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, September 2012.
  4. PADE-KHENE, C. AND SEWRY, D. (2011). Proposed Stages of a Rural ICT Comprehensive Evaluation Framework in ICT for Rural Development Projects. SAICSIT 2011, Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2011.
  5. PADE-KHENE, C. AND SEWRY, D. (2011). Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation Framework for ICT for Development Evaluation – An Analysis of Evaluation Frameworks. 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation. Toronto, Canada, April 2011.
  6. PADE, C. AND SEWRY, D (2009). The Practice and Need for Rural ICT for Development Evaluation: An Experience of the Siyakhula Living Lab Baseline Study. 3rdInternational Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference. Digitally Empowering Communities: Learning from Development Informatics Practice. Kruger National Park, South Africa, October 2009.
  7. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2008). Project Management Practice for Rural ICT Project Sustainability in Developing Countries. 2nd European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME). Royal Holloway, 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 of London.  ISBN: 978-1-906638-13-9 CD.
  8. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2007). An Exploration of the Critical Success Factors for the Sustainability of Rural ICT Projects: The Dwesa Case Study. ISD2007, 16thInternational Conference on Information Systems Development. Galway, Ireland, August 2007.
  9. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2006). An Exploration of the Categories Associated with ICT Project Sustainability in Rural Areas of Developing Countries: A Case Study of the Dwesa Project. SAICSIT 2006, Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, Gordon's Bay, Western Cape, October 2006. Runner up for Best Conference Paper.
  10. PADE, C., MALLINSON, B., AND SEWRY, D. (2006). An Investigation of Sustainable ICT Projects in Rural Development. Sangonet 2ndAnnual Conference and Exhibition. ICTs for Civil Society


  1. DEARDEN, A., STERLING, R., TRAXLOR, J., PADE-KHENE, C., and MTHOKO, H. (2013). A Storybook for ICTD Ethics. Workshop/Open Session. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2013). Cape Town, South Africa. December 2013.
  2. PADE-KHENE, C., MTHOKO, H., and OSAH, J. (2014). The Comprehensive Nature of Evaluating ICT in Development: Trends in Current Practice. Workshop. 8th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference. Cape Town, South Africa, November 2014.

Conference Symposiums:

  1. PADE, C. AND SEWRY, D (2009). The Development and Implementation of an Evaluation Framework for Rural ICT Projects in Developing Countries: Exploring Rural ICT Projects in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Research Proposal and Progress. Doctoral Consortium. ECIS 2009, 17THEuropean Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy. June 2009.
  2. PADE, C. AND SEWRY, D (2007). The Development and Implementation of an Evaluation Framework for Rural ICT Projects in Developing Countries: Exploring Rural ICT Projects in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Research Proposal. Masters and Doctorate Symposium. SAICSIT 2007, Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists. Fish River Sun, South Africa. October 2007. Third Place, Best Poster.

Book Chapter:

  1. PADE-KHENE, C., SIEB?RGER, I., THINYANE, H., AND DALVIT, L. (2010). The Siyakhula living lab: a holistic approach to rural development through ICT in rural South Africa. In: Steyn, J., van Belle, JP. and Mansilla, E. V. (eds). ICTs for Global Development and Sustainability: Practice and Applications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global).


  1. PADE, C., PALMER, R., KAVHAI, M., AND GUMBO, S. (2009). The Siyakhula Living Lab Baseline Study Report. Compiled for the Siyakhula Living Lab, April 2009.


Last Modified: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 10:18:31 SAST