Advisory Board

About the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board was established in late 1991 as part of the Department’s core strategy of building closer relationships with leading people and organisations involved with Information Systems. The Board meets on a regular basis, either in Grahamstown or in one of the main centres throughout the country, and considers matters pertinent to the Department and to the Information Systems industry as a whole.

Members of the Board freely provide their time, wisdom and experience for the benefit of the development of young Information Systems professionals.

Objectives of the Advisory Board

The Board strives to meet the following objectives:

?    to provide a means of building relationships between the Department and people and organisations involved with Information Systems, and
?    to provide guidance and advice on the direction of the Department with respect to the most important: trends in technology, professional and management practice, and
?    issues and trends in Information Systems as they apply to South Africa and beyond its borders.

Joining the Advisory Board

It is acknowledged that the Department has a history of excellence that is not in proportion to its relatively small size. It has reputation for producing outstanding graduates in Information Systems who are ready to face the challenges of the industry, and who, within a short period, assume positions of responsibility with great success.

The Department has experienced major growth in recent years and expects this growth to continue. The 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 has also acknowledged the Department’s position of strength and importance and has invested heavily in it in terms of equipment and staff.

Much of the Department’s success is attributable to its clear understanding of the need to maintain academic purity, whilst at the same time keeping current with issues and trends relevant to the industry.

Members of the Board also associate themselves with a Department and 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 that is ready, able, and enthusiastic to meet the challenges facing the country in general and the IT industry in specific.

Benefits of Membership

Members of the Board are ideally poised to make a direct input into, and be part of, the formative education of future IT professionals. The Board facilitates greater interaction between member organisations and the 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网, the Department, the staff and the students. It also provides a stimulating forum for the sharing of ideas and for bridging the gap between academe and industry.

Last Modified: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 14:47:56 SAST
