Rhodes>Grounds and Gardens>Services>Monkeys on campus

Monkeys on campus

As part of Grounds & Gardens services to Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网, assistance is provided with monkeys and other animals on campus (Grounds & Gardens or CPU can contact a relevant wildlife expert). Ask somebody to keep careful watch while you phone for assistance - it is wise to know where the animal goes.

Emergency contacts

  • RU Grounds & Gardens: 046-603.8240 (they will contact a wildlife expert)
  • RU Campus Protection Unit: 046-603.8146 (they will contact a wildlife expert)
  • Makana Fire & Rescue Services: 046-622.4444 or 046-603.6000

Wildlife experts

  • Quintus Hahndiek, DEDEA (Dept of Economic Development and Environment Affairs): Tel 046-622.7216
  • Martin Villet, RU Dept Zoology and Entomology: Tel 046-603.8527, Cell 083-565.5949

Other animals

More info

Return to the Grounds and Gardens front page, or go to the Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 Facilities Management front page.  


Last Modified: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:46:07 SAST