Research Publications 2020
SH Bu?ttner (2020) Comment on “Evidence for Mesoproterozoic collision, deep burial and rapid exhumation of garbenschiefer in the Namaqua Front, South Africa” by Valby Van Schijndel, David H. Cornell, Robert Anczkiewicz, Anders Schersten, Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 511-531". Geoscience Frontiers, 11, 1889-1894.
A Moore, M Yudovskaya, A Proyer, T Blenkinsop (2020) Evidence for olivine deformation in kimberlites and other mantle?derived magmas during crustal emplacement. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2020) 175:15.
JS Marsh (2020) Misrepresentation of early Karoo Volcanism: A critical discussion of aspects of “De Wit et al., 2020. Pillow talk: Volcanic rocks of the Karoo that formed many leagues under the Gondwanan Sea. South African Journal of Geology, doi: 0.25131/sajg.123.0021”. South African Journal of Geology, 123 (4), 647-652.
ER Neumann, JS Marsh, CY Galerne, S Polteau, H Svensen, S Planke (2020) Co-existing low-Ti and high-Ti dolerites in two large dykes in the Gap Dyke swarm, southeastern Karoo Basin (South Africa). South African Journal of Geology, 123 (1), 19-34.
- RW Gess, AK Whitfield (2020) Estuarine fish and tetrapod evolution: insights from a Late Devonian (Famennian) Gondwanan estuarine lake and a southern African Holocene equivalent. Biological Reviews: 95, pp. 865–888. doi: 10.1111/brv.12590
- EG Grosch, G Viola, S Ndlela (2020) Geological record of Paleoarchean oceanic flake tectonics preserved in the c. 3.3 Ga
Kromberg volcanic type-section, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Precambrian Research. 346 (1). p.105815-105838. - N Mcloughlin, D Wacey, S Phunguphungu, McSaunders, EG Grosch (2020) Deconstructing Earth’s oldest ichnofossil
record from the Pilbara Craton, West Australia: Implications for seeking life in the Archean subseafloor. Geobiology. 18 (2020). p.525-543. - RN Scoon, G Costin, AA Mitchell, B Moine (2020) Nonsequential injection of PGE-rich ultramafic sills in the Platreef Unit at Akanani, Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex: Evidence from Sr and Nd isotopic systematics. Journal of Petrology. 61 (3). p.1-25.
- RN Scoon (2020) Geotourism, Iconic Landforms and Island-style Speciation Patterns in National Parks of East Africa. Geoheritage. 12 (66). p.1-19.
- RN Scoon, AA Mitchell (2020) Discussion of “Crustal fluid contamination in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: An analogue
for subduction zone fluid migration by Benson, E., Connolly, J.A.D. and Boudreau, A.E. (2020)”. International Geology Review. (2020). p.1-9. - B Rasmussen, J Muhling, JW Zi, H Tsikos, WW Fischer (2020) A 1.25 Ga depositional age for the “Paleoproterozoic”
Mapedi red beds, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa: New constraints on the timing of oxidative weathering and hematite
mineralization. Geology. 48 (1). p.44-48. - F Albarede, F Thibon, J Blichert-Toft, H Tsikos (2020) Chemical archeoceanography. Chemical Geology. 548 (1). p.119625-119636.
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