Research Publications 2016
Siahi, M, Hofmann, A, Hegner, H and Master, S (2016). Sedimentology and facies analysis of Mesoarchaean stromatolitic carbonate rocks of the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 278, 244-264.
Bial, J, Büttner, SH, Appel, P (2016) Timing and conditions of regional metamorphism and crustal shearing in the granulite facies basement of south Namibia: Implications for the crustal evolution of the Namaqualand metamorphic basement in the Mesoproterozoic. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 123, 145-176.
Büttner, SH, Reid, WK, Glodny, J, Wiedenbeck, M, Chuwa, G, Moloto, T, Gucsik, A (2016) Fluid sources in the Twangiza-Namoya Gold Belt (Democratic Republic of Congo): Evidence from tourmaline and fluid compositions, and from boron and Rb-Sr isotope systematics. Precambrian Research, 280, 161-178.
Büttner, SH, Reid, WK, Erasmus, R (2016) Late Permian tectonics and associated fluid influx during the Cape Orogeny: evidence from fault-bound quartz veins in the Witteberg Group (Cape Supergroup, South Africa). South African Journal of Geology, 119 (2), 379-398.
Marsh, JS (2016) New evidence for the correlation of basalts of the Suurberg Group with the upper part of the Karoo basalt sequence of Lesotho, 59-65. In: B. Linol and M. De Wit (Eds.) Regional Geology Reviews 8643: Origin and Evolution of the Cape Mountains and Karoo Basin, Springer Verlag.
Marsh, JS, Swart, R (2016) The Bero Volcanic Complex: Extension of the Paraná-Etendeka Igneous Province into SW Angola. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
Harmer, RE, Nex, PAM (2016) Rare Earth deposits of Africa. Episodes 39 (2), 381-406.
Gess, RW (2016) Vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Witteberg Group and the Devonian Carboniferous boundary in South Africa, in eds. Linol, B. and de Wit, M. J., The Origin and Evolution of the Cape Mountains and Karoo Basin. Springer, Regional Geology Reviews. pp 131-140. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40859-0_1.
Grosch, EG, Munoz, M, Mathon, O, Mcloughlin, N (2016) Earliest microbial trace fossils in Archaean pillow lavas under scrutiny: new micro-X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy, metamorphic and morphological constraints. Geological Society Special Publication, 448, 1-15.
Hickman-Lewis, K, Garwood, RJ, Brasier, MD, Goral, T, Jiang, H, McLoughlin, N, Wacey, D. (2016) Carbonaceous microstructures from sedimentary laminated chert within the 3.46 Ga Apex Basalt, Chinaman Creek locality, Pilbara, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 278, 161-178.
Antcliffe, JB, Liu, AG, Menon, LR, McIlroy, D, McLoughlin, N, Wacey, D (2016) Understanding ancient life: how Martin Brasier changed the way we think about the fossil record. Geological Society Special Publication, 448, 1-13.
Sciscio, L, Tsikos, H, Roberts, DL, Scott, L, Van Breugel, Y, SinningheDamste, JS, Schouten, S and Grocke, DR (2016) Miocene climate and vegetation changes in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa: Evidence from biogeochemistry and palynology. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 445, 124-137.
Falzoni, F, Petrizzo, MR, Jenkyns, HC, Gale, AS, Tsikos, H (2016) Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and assemblage composition across the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval at Clot Chevalier (Vocontian Basin, SE France). Cretaceous Research, 59, 69-97.
Last Modified: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 08:38:34 SAST