PG Funding

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Dean's Discretionary Fund:

This initiative is designed to stimulate research in the faculty and to increase research outputs, with an emphasis on creative ideas for doing this. The specific purpose of the funding is to ensure that MA and PhD theses do not land up on library shelves but are published jointly by supervisors and candidates for dissemination to a wider audience.

Please submit your application (and report) electronically to Karen Kouari, Faculty of Humanities:

If you have any queries please contact Karen Kouari on the e-mail address above.

Academic Staff:  

Postgraduate Students (Masters and PhD students only): 


Postgraduate Funding  

Postgraduate Funding related queries

Tel: 046-603 8755 / 8179

Research Office

Research related queries

Tel: 046-603 8936


Last Modified: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 12:45:03 SAST