Commercial Law
Contract is the essence of commerce. A commerce graduate without a basic knowledge of the law of contract within the context of our legal system would be well advised to stay out of the commercial world. This is why Commercial Law 1 is a core course in every BCom non-legal curriculum offered at Rhodes.
The course is examined in two three hour papers. The first paper includes a basic introduction to our legal system, a sound grounding in the law of contract and the principles of the contract of sale. The second paper embraces the principles of the law relating to partnerships, close corporations and registered companies and those relating to labour law and commercial agency. Commercial Law 2 comprises the basic principles of the law relating to letting and hiring, selected property law statutes, mortgage pledge and lien, carriage of goods, suretyship, marketing
law, arbitration, insurance, insolvency, negotiable instruments, administration of estates and a more advanced course in company law.
A glance at the subject matter of this course indicates how very valuable it would be to anyone venturing into the commercial field. The contents of this course comply with the requirements laid down by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. The BCom (Law) curriculum Legal Theory is a three year major subject available in the Faculty of Commerce which entitles a candidate to six semester credits towards the LLB degree at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网. The first year deals with an introduction to the study of Law and Legal Systems; the second year covers Legal Interpretation, Constitutional Law; Law of Contract and the Law of Lease and Agency and the third year covers Business Structures, Labour Law, Law of Property and Security, Law of Persons and Law of Husband and Wife.
A candidate who has majored in Legal Theory and who satisfied the criteria of the Faculty of Law for admission to the LLB degree is able to complete the LLB degree at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 in a further two years of full-time study.
Because of the nature of the work involved the BCom (Law) degree is an excellent undergraduate qualification for prospective attorneys. It provides a sound background for LLB candidates wishing to specialise in the field of commercial and corporate law.
Last Modified: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 11:36:08 SAST