RU Environemtnal Representatives play an important role in promoting sustainability on campus. This section contains information on resources, support networks, leadership, roles and responsibilites.
SRC Environmental Councillor supports the Enviro Reps, and:
1. Represent the SRC on the Environmental Committee
2. Engage the 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 on the implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Policy
3. Coordinate all environmental programmes on bahalf of the SRC
4. Promote environmental awareness within the hall system and across campus
5. Promote the incorporation of the environmental issues within the cuuiculum by liaising with the Academic Councillor
6. Assist students on any initiatives relating to environmental concerns
Enviro Reps Roles and Responsibilities
Promote environmental awareness and action as well as organise and oversee environmental activities in the res/hall.
Key focus areas include (see the Enviro Reps Guide?????):
Support Networks
Last Modified: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:34:49 SAST