World Read Aloud Day

To mark World Read Aloud Day, teams from the CSD led
reading programmes at various primary schools in the
township. Archie Mbolekwa, CM Vellem, Samuel Ntlebi,
Makana, NV Cewu and DD Siwisa primary schools, all
in Joza, as well as Fikizolo, Tantyi Lower, Samuel Ntsiko
and Ntaba Maria in other parts of Makhanda, were all
given an opportunity.
CSD literacy and curriculum facilitator Noluthando
Shelle said they pledged for 7 500 pupils to read the
story Nal’ibali shared with them in English and isiXhosa.
They delivered the books in Afrikaans, English and
isiXhosa to 11 township schools, six schools in town and
26 preschools.
Shelle said the programme is meant to encourage the
love of reading, especially in the pupils’ mother tongue.
At all the schools visited, Grade 7 pupils were tasked
with reading to their lower graders and pre-schoolers
who visited some of the schools. CSD staff members
and SEF participants took part to make the day a
success, said Shelle. “In some schools, the teachers
read to their learners, and even CSD staff members took
After the programme each child took home a book to
read to their family or siblings. If there were extra books
left, the school could keep them in their libraries so that
reading can be a regular occurrence in order to help
build the pupils’ vocabulary and language usage.
Shelle said in some schools like DD Siwisa, the event
was so well organized, even the SGB committee
members were part of it. Grocott’s Mail spoke to some of
the participants, from teachers to pupils.
Ndimphiwe Mpongoshe, a 12-year-old, grade 7 CM
Vellem pupil, who read books for the grade 1s, she said
it was a wonderful experience for her as she is now
confident to read in front of people.
To continue reading please follow this link: CSD World Read Aloud Day
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