

Eastern Cape B.Ed Graduation

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On Friday afternoon, 21 April 2017, CSD, celebrated the graduation of 36 students at The Monument, Grahamstown. A Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase) Degree was conferred to 30 students funded by the Provincial Department of Education and 6 privately-funded students. The graduation ceremony was preceded by a cocktail party which was held on Thursday night from 17:30 – 18:30 at Emfundweni, CSD in honour of the graduates’ achievement. The party was attended by CSD staff, lectures, students and the funder. Dr Harrison, the director of CSD and Mrs Sbu Tachie from the EC DoE addressed the gathering. Mrs Tachie received a loud round of applause when she announced that the EC DoE has reserved posts for the graduates with improved remuneration and benefits such as medical aid and a pension. In addition, she said that since this is the first group of Foundation Phase students funded by the Department to graduate, the Department will hold a special function in the near future to mark the significance of the occasion.

The graduation also celebrated the awarding of distinctions to four students, namely Ms Elizke Gerber, Ms Charmila Lekas, Ms Sinayo Mbobo and Mrs Arpana Pal. This is a record for CSD. These students have indicated their intention to register for a BEd Hons at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 in 2018.

For many students this achievement did not come easily. It took hard work, sacrifice and perseverance. On behalf of CSD, I wish to extend our heartiest congratulations to all graduates as well as extend our sincere thanks to the EC DoE for making this possible. 

Jenny with Charmilla and Arpana, B.Ed Distinction Graduates

Lecturers and DoE Officials