Dr Kiran Pienaar

Kiran Pienaar

Kiran Pienaar graduated from Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 in 2006 with a Master’s degree in Linguistics and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Deakin 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 in Melbourne, Australia. She has a PhD in Gender Studies and Sociology from Monash 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网, Australia.  Kiran is also an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网.  She has expertise in gender and sexuality studies, and health sociology, with a focus on LGBTQ identities and cultures; the politics of gender, sexuality and the body; narcofeminisms, drugs and the self; and the social dimensions of health. She has published widely on topics related to gender, drugs, ‘addiction’ and the self; biopolitics, public health and drug policy. Her first book Politics in the Making of HIV/AIDS in South Africa was published by Palgrave and in 2023 she published a co-edited collection titled Narcofeminisms: Revisioning Drug Use. Inspired by narcofeminist activism, it considers the political potential of drug consumption as a mode of resistance to dominant social orders.

Select publications (2020-2024)

Pienaar, K., Kelaita, P., & Murphy, D. (2024). COVID-19 and the biopolitics of stigma in public housing: dividing practices and community boundaries in pandemic times. Health Sociology Review, 1–16 (Open access), doi: 10.1080/14461242.2024.2390019

Murphy, D., Race, K., Pienaar, K. & Lea, T. (2024). HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and chemsex event-networks. Body & Society, doi: 10.1177/1357034X241298173

Gupta, M., Bogatyreva, K., Pienaar, K., Hassan, B. & Bennett, C. (2024). The timing of local SARS-Cov-2 outbreaks and vaccination coverage during the Delta wave in Melbourne. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 48(4),100164 (Open access), doi: 10.1016/j.anzjph.2024.100164

Barnett, A., Pienaar, K., et al (2024). The dynamics of more-than-human care in depot buprenorphine treatment: A new materialist analysis of Australian patients’ experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy, 127, 104399 (Open access), doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104399

Fomiatti, R., Pienaar, K., Savic, M., Keane, H. & Treloar, C. (2023). Improving understandings of trauma and alcohol and other drug-related problems: A social research agenda International Journal of Drug Policy, 121, 104198, doi: 0.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104198

Dennis, F. & Pienaar, K. (2023). Refusing recovery, living a ‘wayward’ life: A feminist analysis of women’s drug use. The Sociological Review (Monograph Series), Narcofeminisms: Revisioning Drug Use 71(4): 781–800. doi: 10.1177/00380261231175729

Dennis, F., Pienaar, K. & Rosengarten, M. (2023). Narcofeminism and its multiples: From activism to everyday minoritarian practices. The Sociological Review (Monograph Series), Narcofeminisms: Revisioning Drug Use 71(4): 723–740, doi: 10.1177/00380261231174962

Dennis, F., Pienaar, K. & Rosengarten, M. (2023). Afterword: Tensions and possibilities for a narcofeminist sociology. Narcofeminisms: Revisioning drug use. The Sociological Review (Monograph Series), Narcofeminisms: Revisioning Drug Use 71(4): 945–954, doi: 10.1177/00380261231174978

Petersen, A. & Pienaar, K. (2023). Competing realities, uncertain diagnoses of infectious disease: Mass self-testing for COVID-19 and liminal bio-citizenship. Sociology of Health & Illness, special issue on the sociology of diagnosis, doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13694

Savic, M., Barnett, A, Pienaar, K. et al. (2023). Staying with the silence: Silence as affording care in online alcohol and other drug counselling. International Journal of Drug Policy, 116, 104030, doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104030

Fomiatti, R., Toffoletti, K., & Pienaar, K. (2023). Rethinking Women’s ‘Performance and Image-Enhancing Drug Consumption’: An Agenda for Ontopolitically-Oriented Research. Contemporary Drug Problems, doi:10.1177/009145019231154938

Kelaita, P., Pienaar, K., Keaney, J., Murphy, D., Vally, H. & Bennett, CM. (2023). Pandemic policing and the construction of publics: an analysis of COVID-19 lockdowns in public housing. Health Sociology Review, 32(3): 245–260, doi: 10.1080/14461242.2023.2170260

Pienaar, K. & Petersen, A. (2021) Searching for diagnostic certainty, governing risk: Patients’ ambivalent experiences of medical testing. Sociology of Health & Illness, 44(1): 25–40, doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13391

Pienaar, K., Flore, J., Powers, J. & Murphy, D. (2021). Making publics in a pandemic: Posthuman relationalities, ‘viral’ intimacies and COVID-19. Health Sociology Review, 30(3): 244–259, doi:10.1080/14461242.2021.1961600

Race, K., Murphy, D., Pienaar, K., & Lea, T. (2021). Injecting as a sexual practice: Cultural formations of ‘slamsex’. Sexualities, doi:10.1177/1363460720986924 

Farrugia, A., Waling, A. Pienaar, K. & Fraser, S. (2021) The ‘be all and end all’? Young people, online sexual health information, science and skepticism. Qualitative Health Research, 31(11): 2097–2110, doi:10.1177/10497323211003543

Flore, J. & Pienaar, K. (2020) Data-driven intimacy: Emerging technologies in the (re)making of sexual subjects and ‘healthy’ sexuality, Health Sociology Review, 29(3): 279–293, doi:10.1080/14461242.2020.1803101

Barnett, A. Savic, M., Pienaar, K., Carter, A., Warren, N., Sandral, E., Manning, V. & Lubman, D. (2020). Enacting ‘more-than-human’ care: Clients’ and counsellors’ views on the multiple affordances of chatbots in alcohol and other drug counselling. International Journal of Drug Policy, 94: 102910, doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102910

Farrugia, A., Pienaar, K., Fraser, S., Edwards, E. & Madden, A. (2020). Basic care as exceptional care: addiction stigma and consumer accounts of quality healthcare in Australia. Health Sociology Review, 30(2): 95–110, doi: 10.1080/14461242.2020.1789485

Pienaar, K., Petersen, A. & Bowman, D.M. (2020). Managing risks or generating uncertainties? Ambiguous ontologies of testing in Australian healthcare. Health, 25(6): 669–687, doi:10.1177/1363459320912830

Pienaar, K. Murphy, D.A., Race, K. & Lea, T. (2020). Drugs as technologies of the self: Enhancement and transformation in LGBTQ cultures. International Journal of Drug Policy, 78(April 2020): 102673. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102673

Last Modified: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:33:50 SAST