Confucius Institute at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 Welcomes New Staff

From left to right: Ms Zou Hongmin, Ms Wan Ru, Ms Zou Hanyang, Ms Zhu Jingjing at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网
From left to right: Ms Zou Hongmin, Ms Wan Ru, Ms Zou Hanyang, Ms Zhu Jingjing at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网

With every new year comes new ventures and changes. 2022 at the Confucius Institute at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 is no exception. This year the Confucius Institute welcomes four new lecturers: Ms Wan Ru (Chinese 3 course convenor), Ms Zou Hongmin (Chinese 2), Ms Zou Hanyang (Chinese 1), and Ms Zhu Jingjing (Chinese Honours). 

When asked about the new faces at the Institute, Professor Liu, who is the Chinese Director of the Institute, expressed great joy at their arrival: "I am very happy to have them here. They are all very good instructors and were the best candidates for the job. So, with these excellent instructors, maybe in 2022 we can attract more students to register in our courses”.

Ms Zhu Jingjing echoed these sentiments and stated that she is excited to join the team and inspire students in Chinese Studies to go beyond the study of the language: “It should not only be about the knowledge of the language but also the culture and the long history will be essential.” She hopes to relate to and teach the students about Chinese living from her own perspective and experiences as a young person.

Ms Zou Hanyang, on her side, is looking forward to encouraging open-mindedness and sharing more about the Chinese culture that many new students may not be aware of: “There are a lot of misunderstandings about China and Chinese culture, so I hope when I teach them, they will look at it in different ways and change their opinions.” 

The new staff are happy to be at Rhodes and are looking forward to meeting their classes and hosting more events at the Confucius Institute. Ms Zou Hongmin expressed that the Chinese New Year is a particularly exciting event: “I think we are all looking forward to the Chinese New Year.”  She hopes this will be celebrated and shared at the Confucius Institute.

Professor Liu further stated that this year the Confucius Institute is eager to participate in Chinese New Year celebrations at the beginning of February, and perhaps even introduce new programmes to encourage more students to pursue this course. "Each one of our new staff has some special skills related to the Chinese culture, such as Peking Opera, Chinese Tarots, and Chinese Opera Makeup; maybe in 2022 we could open some classes for all students to learn a new skill about Chinese culture”, he said. 

It seems that the Confucius Institute is very excited about the new year and to welcome many new students into their classes. Ms Wan Ru usually teaches small groups but hopes to attract a large class this year: “I hope there will be more students learning Chinese, and I hope I can raise their curiosity.”

On a more personal level, all the new staff members are looking forward to seeing wild animals and enjoying the weather in South Africa. Ms Zhu Jingjing happily expressed that she has been very impressed by the friendly people in South Africa: “Even though we do not know each other, people always say ‘Hello!’.”

The four new members have been appointed by Jinan 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网 (Guangzhou, China), as part of partnership with Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网.

We wish them all the best and hope they have a wonderful experience at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网, concluded Professor Liu.