Why did you choose to study Chinese?
I was first drawn to Chinese Kung Fu as a young boy inspired by the remarkable martial artists Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. I have since been fortunate to learn about Chinese history, art, philosophy, literature and business. I decided to study Mandarin Chinese as I wanted to better understand Chinese culture and to travel in and throughout China.
1. What is your strongest memory of your time spend learning Chinese?
I remember participating in the Upstart outreach activity teaching kung fu to young learners in the Makana municipality. My strongest memory is my teachers’ commitment. They were exceptionally hardworking and invested in our learning and acquisition of Chinese speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
2. What doors did learning Chinese open for you?
It enabled me to travel extensively in China and to build meaningful relationships with Chinese citizens that would not have been possible had I learnt Chinese. It gave me insight into an ancient culture and remarkable people whose friendship and goodwill I may not have known had I not learned Chinese. I only speak standard Mandarin so I recognise that there is so much more to learn. It is a gift.
3.What would you say to someone interested in learning Chinese?
It is not as difficult as people would like you to believe! The language is logical and has been designed to facilitate the easy expansion of one’s vocabulary by learning core principles. Each Confucius Institute has the teaching materials and dedicated educators to help you learn this wonderful language. China provides many opportunities for those learning Chinese to study in China or to teach English or to find gainful employment. If you would like to learn, you only have to ask and continue to invest in your understanding.
4. Where can we find more about you? Do you have a website?
I have websites related to my companies but not for me personally. For those who would like to connect with me relating to learning Chinese; business or to discuss philosophy, you can find me on LinkedIn as Michael Davies 马大为 and email me on Michael.Davies@valueadd.company