In the last few years, Service-learning has gained increasing attention from different disciplines across Universities. The institution, the students and the partners all benefit from such courses. However, creating a space where both learning and service take place in mutually beneficial and transformative ways poses a unique set of challenges for teaching and learning. Incorporating a community-based service component in a given course can be daunting. For lecturers who are already running a course with a community-based service component, many challenges may have arisen. And, like any course, even the best community based service-learning course will from time to time require some refreshing or adjustments to be made.
The Community Engagement Division is offering the Community-Based Service -Learning Online Short Course twice in 2020. The 5-week course targets lecturers, teachers, and partners who are interested in developing a service-learning or who already teach such a course and would like to improve it. By unpacking the what, the why, and the how of community-based service-learning, the course aims to equip lecturers with the theoretical and practical tool to design and run successful community-based service-learning courses in their discipline. Check out the course guide for more details about the course.
Detailed course information can be obtained on the following link: