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The South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (NRF-SAIAB) is delighted to be able to invite you to attend the official launch of the online/ digital version of this seminal 5-volume publication on the diversity of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) at NRF-SAIAB’s annual Smith Memorial Lecture. This multi-volume work took 25 years to complete and involved almost 100 contributors from many parts of the world. It includes descriptions of some 3500 species of fishes from the largest area of ocean a book like this has ever covered and has generated renewed interest worldwide in the diversity of coastal fishes in the WIO.
Searchable pdf versions of each volume have been created and all links to the publication will go live at this event.
For more information go to:
Register for the virtual launch event on Zoom:
We look forward to your participation.