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In celebrating International Mandela Day the RU Community Engagement Division will be hosting a Webinar on Monday the 18th July at 13h00 - 14h30.
As a public asset, Universities have the social responsibility to produce graduates who are accomplished human beings ’- socially responsible, just, caring, respecting human dignity and not afraid of living by or generating ‘lofty ideals’ for both individual and community\societal well-being.
How do we use Community Engagement (CE), the third mission of universities to deepen and inculcate the values and principles as espoused by Mr Nelson Mandela?
The purpose of the Webinar will be to discuss how through community-university partnerships and the various forms of community engagement we can be more deliberate about working towards achieving Madiba’s ‘lofty ideals’.
13:00 Welcome & Purpose of the Webinar: Di Hornby
13:10 Guest speaker: Vice Chancellor, Prof Sizwe Mabizela
13:25 Panellists
Co-ordinate Panel Discussion: Dr Rene Oosthuizen
14:15 Concluding remarks: Dr Margie Maistry
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