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The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Sizwe Mabizela cordially invites you to attend the Inaugural lecture of Professor Uchenna Okeja.
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Inaugural Lecture of Prof Uchenna Okeja
Lecture Title: "What is Justice?"
Lecture Abstract
We feel very strongly about injustice. When we believe we have been treated unjustly, we may feel a sense of indignation, humiliation, resentment, anger or a combination of these emotions. Although we do not react to injustice in the same way, it would be correct to say that no reasonable person would want to live in an unjust society. Besides our basic instinct to survive, we imagine that we deserve to live in a just society because we have an interest in living a decent life. The problem, however, is that justice is an intractable concept. As a result, it is difficult to agree on the nature of the ideal society that our interest in justice is supposed to motivate us to create. In this lecture, I will draw on my more than a decade long research on justice and injustice to reconstruct an answer to the question ‘what is justice?’ I will explain why justice is not the opposite of injustice and argue for a conception of justice that takes the nature and location of agency as its starting point.
All are welcome to join this virtual Inaugural Lecture.