Launch of the African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN)

20 October 2021 -20 October 2021 @ 09:30 - 13:15


October 20, 2021
09:30 AM - 01:15 PM
Event Type:
Project Launches


Nelson Odume

You are invited to join the exciting launch of the African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN).


The launch will take place on Wednesday 20th October from 09h30 South African standard time.




The Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme of the European Union supports student and staff mobility in Africa. The overall objective of the programme is to enhance human capital development in Africa, while strengthening intra-African cooperation in higher education as called for by the agenda 2063 of the African Union. You can read more about the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme here:  


The continent is facing multiple water-related challenges, including declining water quantity and quality, inadequate governance and institutional structures, declining monitoring networks, increasing resource use in the face of a growing human population, and increasing resource variability associated with future changing climates.  As the region strives toward improving political, economic, and social stability, the importance of secure water supplies will assume increasing significance.


The African Water Resource Mobility Network (AWaRMN), a five-year multi-partner project funded by the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme of the European Union, is set up to address the pressing water-related challenges on the African continent through cooperation in higher education. You can read more about AWaRMN here: /intra-africa-awarmn/


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