Current MSc Students
Liam Macleod Reynolds (BSc Hons, RU)
Room 001, 1st floor
Elevated CO2 and photosynthetic type influence leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, and hydraulic vulnerability: Implications for savanna tree-grass interactions
My thesis will investigate how prevailing carbon dioxide levels and water availability during plant growth will affect hydraulic and photosynthetic function in C3 and C4 savanna species. I will test stem hydraulic conductivity, xylem vulnerability, stomatal conductance, and photosystem II energy quenching. Field data investigating the relationship between size class and water availability for C3 species will also be included in this analysis.
Supervisors: Prof. Brad Ripley, Dr. Tiffany Pillay
Room 204, 3rd floor
Disentangling the role of biotic and abiotic drivers in the diversification of the Gladiolus carneus species complex
My thesis explores how soil properties, microclimate, pollinators, herbivores, and their interactions contribute to the diversification of seven previously described varieties of Gladiolus carneus. I use species distribution modeling, phylogenetic analysis, natural history observations, and local adaptation experiments in my approach.
Supervisor/s: Dr. Ethan Newman
Publications: Newman, E. L., Khoury, K. L., Niekerk, S. E. V., & Peter, C. I. (2022). Structural anther mimics improve reproductive success through dishonest signaling that enhances both attraction and the morphological fit of pollinators with flowers. Evolution, 76(8), 1749-1761
Alice-Jane Marais (MSc, RU)
Room F8, Zoology, and Entomology
The effect of biological control agents on the population dynamics of Pontederia crassipes (C. Mart) Solms (Pontederiaceae) and Salvinia minima Baker (Salviniales: Salviniaceae)
Short description of thesis: This thesis investigates the competitive ability of P. crassipes and S. minima with and without their respective control agent to determine the impact of biological control when the two plants are competing for resources and to better predict the population dynamics of the two invasive weeds at the Hartbeespoort Dam.
Supervisor: Prof Julie Coetzee
Last Modified: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:30:26 SAST