Wynona Mutisi
Wynona Mutisi is a fourth year Fine Art student majoring in Art History & Visual Culture and Fine Art Practice at Rhodes 老虎机游戏_pt老虎机-平台*官网. Her body of work is mostly a combination of printmaking and digital art and it addresses issues concerning the economic crisis in Zimbabwe with references to memory at both a national and a personal level. Her research locates, frames and analyses design theory in the context of Zimbabwe to uncover its influences in art-making, archives and scholarship. She uses her practice work as a research tool to inform her writing, believing that the act of making is in itself research.
Outside of the academic institution, Mutisi freelances as an illustrator and graphic designer and she has worked with organisations as large as OSISA (Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa).
Last Modified: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 13:21:36 SAST